Important Dates/ Prices
On Time Registration (Now - April 30): $275 ($100 non-refundable deposit)
Late Registration (May 1 - May 30): $300 ($100 non-refundable deposit)
Last Minute Registration (After June 1st): $325 ($100 non-refundable deposit)
Leaders: $150 ($100 non-refundable deposit)

Ways To Give

Give Online

We are grateful for the convenience of online giving.  This avenue of giving allows you to give your tithe and offerings no matter where you are at in this world.   Just add the $ amount you desire as well as the fund and frequency and click the next  button.  Subsplash is our secure giving platform.  

Give In Person

Come to one of our services on Sunday at 10am or Wednesday evening at 7pm  and worship God by giving in our offering.  You can give cash or checks in our offering and all will be recorded and  you will receive giving credit.

Mail a Check

If you would like to mail in your check, you can do so by sending it to 6400 Calder Dr, Dickinson TX 77539.  We will process your gift and you can be assured that it will hit your giving statement.

Download our App

By far the easiest way to give is by downloading our app.  You can easily set up your giving and keep it going.  It's also a great way to stay connected to the church family through big events, announcements, messages & much more.   Click here to download the app.