Monthly Missions Spotlight

March 2025

Each month, we spotlight missionaries and missions projects that we support as a church. The dollars you give as an offering to missions MATTER. Lives are being changed across the street and around the world. 

Global Missionary


Ernie and Sandra Peacock are missionaries to the Latin America Caribbean area.
A message from the Peacock ministry:
 Ernie and Sandra serve as the Latin America & Caribbean Regional Directors for the Acts 2 Journey Initiative (A2J). Based in Panama, they are launching A2J in local churches while developing a scalable model for the region. Acts 2 Journey provides essential training and resources, guiding churches through a one-year process of discovery and recovery.  A2J helps pastors and their teams recalibrate their mission, vision, and values, while developing Spirit-led strategies to impact their communities with the Gospel. Ernie and Sandra's vision and passion are to equip and empower local churches to effect spiritual and social transformation in their communities.

Home Missionary

Pleasant Hills Children’s Home is a basic childcare facility licensed by the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services. Offering a family-style atmosphere, Pleasant Hills provides a loving Christian home for abused, abandoned, needy, neglected or troubled children.
A message from Pleasant Hills:
In 1947, Mr. J.B. Daniel was moved with compassion to help families in need that had suffered from the Great Depression Era. He began an orphanage to care for children who no longer had a home.
Today, Pleasant Hills Children’s Home is owned and operated under the auspices of the North, South & West Texas Districts of the Assemblies of God.
We have 4 core values:
Spiritual Nurture: Children attend local community churches and attend a Sunday night on-campus chapel.  Daily devotions are conducted in the cottage homes.
Strong Work Ethic: Staff model positive work habits and encourage children to develop strong work ethics. Each child has daily chores to accomplish.
Solid Academic Preparation: Children attend public schools and are encouraged to set goals to achieve good grades and pursue higher education. Tutoring and a study time are provided each afternoon.
Healthy Physical Development: Balanced meals are served daily. Regular dental & medical check-ups and counseling are provided. Participation in group sports, fine arts, outdoor activities and school programs are encouraged.
Current project: New Dining Hall
We are ready to start construction soon!
Almost 70% of the building fund has been raised for our new campus dining hall.  We need more seating capacity, a larger food pantry, and an updated commercial kitchen.  Please share this need with your friends, church, or local businesses.  A gift of any size is helpful and appreciated.
Again, thank you for everything your church does to support and help Pleasant Hills Children's Home! 

Missions Project


Embrace Grace exists to help inspire and equip the church to love and encourage single and pregnant young women and their families. Pro-Life is a stance. Pro-Love is the action. We are a part of the pro-love movement.
A message from Embrace Grace:
Thank you to everyone who supports this ministry through donations, volunteering, prayers and loving on our moms and babies!  It takes all of us working together!
At our core, we are a group of passionate dreamers who believe that the church, me and you, have the power to make abortion unthinkable. We go beyond a stance or a belief system but focus on saving lives through our actions and with God’s love. Embrace Grace is a worldwide ministry that equips churches to minister to single moms.  Dominion Church hosts Embrace Grace and Embrace Life because we believe: The church is the answer. The church has all the resources needed to help empower single moms to make life decisions. Through the Embrace Grace support groups, the church can walk with her and help her practically, spiritually
and emotionally.
Embrace Grace is a 12-week support group for women that are pregnant and unmarried.  We utilize a curriculum that includes dynamic teachings and personal testimonies of women who have walked in their shoes. The Biblically based curriculum introduces young moms to Jesus and focuses on her identity and worth in Him. The moms will be blessed with a baby shower at the end of the semester!
Embrace Life is a 20-week support group (divided into 2 semesters) for women that are young, single moms. The Biblically based curriculum includes dynamic teachings that introduces young moms to Jesus and growing her relationship with God as well as practical lessons on how to thrive in her season of singleness including finances, parenting, and relationships.  She will also hear personal testimonies of women who have walked in their shoes.  
The attendees of either group will experience the love of God through His people, get plugged into a church family and raise their kids in the church!

February 2025

Each month, we spotlight missionaries and missions projects that we support as a church. The dollars you give as an offering to missions MATTER. Lives are being changed across the street and around the world. 

Global Missionary

Joshua and Alicia Allard are missionaries to New Zealand, where they are involved in the Christchurch community and motorcycle ministry.
A message from the Allard family:
Kia Ora Dominion Church Whanau!  We are the Allards serving as first term missionaries in Otautahi, Aotearoa (Maori) also known in English as Christchurch, New Zealand.  Currently, there are no other Assembly of God world missionaries in New Zealand.   As we are pioneering the work here, we have partnered with a local church.  One thing we noticed quickly was that there was no student ministry for the youth within the church.  We have two teenagers of our own and the pastors at the church had two as well.  We started a youth group that has now grown to over 20 students!  In October, we had five of those students make a decision to publicly confess their faith and get baptized in the ocean in front of several people!  We have taken this time in our first term to immerse ourselves in the culture, start up a youth ministry, help revitalize the kids church curriculum, and are now praying for the future.   We would greatly appreciate all the prayers as we move forward here in New Zealand.  We have a couple who are itinerating that has felt the call to come and help us plant a church with a celebrate recovery program that will eventually lead to a teen challenge.  There is a great need for this as we have seen within our community.  New Zealand has one of the highest rates for teen suicide.  Despite New Zealand being one of the most beautiful countries in the world, there are people who are hurting, depressed, and need a community that leads to a relationship with Jesus.  

Home Missionary

Kyle and Lisa are revitalizing a small church in Bryan, TX called Abundant Life.  Since 2020, they have grown the church from 15 to 75 congregants, with a handful of wonderful ministry programs and increasing support for global missions.
A message from the Murphy ministry:
HOWDY, Dominion Church!   Our family received a prophetic word in 2019 that we are “PILLARS.”  Pillars provide strength and stability, and most importantly, pillars STAY.  In 2024, we transitioned away from Chi Alpha college ministry to give a broader focus to our church congregation, while discipling new and future church leaders.  We are watching our church flourish in totally new ways! We’ve recently launched a building campaign for a kids’ building add-on, while leading 20 young people through Financial Peace University on Sunday nights.  Throughout the week, we have 5 different life groups that gather to study the Bible and offer encouragement to one another as we walk with Jesus.  This summer, we are taking 10 people on our church’s first mission trip to serve missionary kids at a student conference in Germany!  THANK YOU for your unwavering love, support, and encouragement to our family. We love you!

Missions Project


Nelson University (formerly Southwestern Assemblies of God University or SAGU) is a training ground for students called into ministry of all kinds.

January 2025

Each month, we spotlight missionaries and missions projects that we support as a church. The dollars you give as an offering to missions MATTER. Lives are being changed across the street and around the world. 

Global Missionary

Chattra Tamang is a long-time missionary to the Philippines. Pastor Greg Thurstonson tells stories of how this man of God has poured into his life through his powerful ministry over the years. While he does not have an online presence, his ministry in the Philippines is ongoing. 

Home Missionary


Anchor Point is a pro-life ministry with several components. They do not only provide resources for pregnant women to give them an option other than abortion; they continue to support the babies and children through all stages of life until adulthood.
A message from Anchor Point:
Today’s families face many challenging issues. From the moment of pregnancy through those teenage years into adulthood, the issues have an enormous impact on each person, threatening the family as a whole. The Anchor Point Family Network provides a blueprint for individuals and families to tackle and overcome these challenges. We are a local nonprofit with a strong community of support behind what we do and who we serve, and we appreciate your support.

Missions Project


Builders International is a passionate community of donors and volunteers invested in building places where people find hope around the world.
A message from Builders International:
We connect generous volunteers and donors with dynamic missionaries and trusted community leaders around the world, and together we build places where people find hope!
Through Assemblies of God World Missions, Builders International has direct access to an international supply chain and delivery system for reaching people with the Gospel and serving people in their greatest time of need.
This network consists of more than 2600 missionary personnel, serving in 256 countries and territories, partnering with a national church network of 70 million people.
As a result, our projects have long-term sustainability and show a great return on investment as they enable proven community champions to further succeed at helping others.

December 2024

Each month, we spotlight missionaries and missions projects that we support as a church. The dollars you give as an offering to missions MATTER. Lives are being changed across the street and around the world. 

Global Missionary


Larry and Melodee Gruetzmacher are missionaries to the Latin America Caribbean region who are based in Mexico City.
They help develop leaders through training and mentorship, and support church planting efforts in cities all over the region. 

Home Missionary


Dick and Lisa Herman are Chi Alpha missionaries at Texas State University where they have served for 23 years. Their daughter, Emily, is 13 years old.
A message from the Herman ministry:
Dick and Lisa Herman serve as Chi Alpha missionaries at Texas State University. Dick also gives oversight to Chi Alpha ministries throughout the North Texas District. Our mission within Chi Alpha is to reconcile university students to Christ, equipping them through Spirit-filled communities of prayer, worship, fellowship, discipleship and mission to transform the university, the marketplace, and the world. On our campus of 41,000 students, we accomplish this each week through our Tuesday Night Live worship service, student-led small group Bible studies, 1 on 1 discipleship, plus numerous activities, outreaches, and mission trips. Jesus is moving in the hearts of our Bobcats! Pray for us as we reach and disciple the leaders of tomorrow. We are honored to have you on our support team!  @XATXST

Missions Project


Kidz Harbor is an emergency shelter for children in the foster care system along with a long term home for ones not adoptable for whatever reason.
A message from DC's Kidz Harbor outreach leader Karen Hyatt:
We have the unique privilege of being able to hold a Bible Club for all ages once a month. We include Bible lessons, verse memorization challenges, songs, games
and snacks. The goal of the club is to introduce these children to the love of Jesus and the fact that He is always with them.
Dominion Church has provided many volunteers that are dedicated to these kids and their spiritual growth.  We have volunteers for all age groups including K-5th grades, Teenagers and our Spanish only.  Some of the volunteers have started being a part of the Kidz Harbor Tutoring Team helping the kids in that tangible way.
Dominion Church is represented in all these areas and we have been able to place a Bible in each child's hand thanks to the church's support.
As these children leave Kidz Harbor we pray that Jesus' impact on their lives continues to grow.

November 2024

Each month, we spotlight missionaries and missions projects that we support as a church. The dollars you give as an offering to missions MATTER. Lives are being changed across the street and around the world. 

Global Missionary


Paul and Jocelyn Gracza are missionaries to Hungary, where they have been serving for 34 years.
A message from the Gracza ministry:
Paul serves as the President of the Pentecostal Theological College in Budapest, Hungary. We currently have 340 students studying at the college in a variety of BA, MA, and one year theological, ministry and practical study areas. 
We also assist with church planting efforts as well as local church ministry. 
Jocelyn has ministered extensively among children and women. She has coordinated children's camps, led local church children's ministry, serves as a teenager pastor, spoken throughout the country to local and national women's ministry groups and conferences, and meets regularly with a group of women for both social and spiritual service.
We rejoice in all that God is doing in Hungary and are very thankful for the ongoing support of churches throughout the United States that invest in the spiritual transformation of the Hungarian people.

Home Missionary


Ken and Lisa Frisby lead "Something Beautiful, Inside and Out Prison Ministry" and have been  involved in ministry to the incarcerated for 41 years.
A message from the Frisby ministry:
We have called Dominion Church our home for 10 years now. We want to express our thanks for the ongoing support- as we reach out and love those incarcerated with the love of Jesus.
--We share the Word of God in written form, face to face, one on one ministry.
--We write, schedule visits and purchase e-commerce through an electronic process.
--We are able to schedule online -1 hour visitation with each inmate, like a zoom call! We see as many as we can schedule on a Saturday and Sunday.
--Through e commerce store we are able to purchase basic hygiene to help supply needs to those that are indigent, and do not have family support.
We are the only family that some of these women have in their lives. We love them like daughters.
 We appreciate  the support and prayers for these that may seem forgotten. Hebrews 13:3 says remember those that are in bonds, as if you were there.

Missions Project


Convoy of Hope is a faith-based organization with a driving passion to feed the world through children's feeding initiatives, community outreach, and disaster response.
A message from Convoy of Hope:
This year marks Convoy of Hope's 30th year delivering hope around the world!
It started when Convoy's founder, Hal Donaldson, lost his father in a car crash at age 12, and one act of kindness gave him hope for the future. That one movement of kindness has multiplied and expanded.
Since 1994, we have officially served more than 250 million people, passed the $2.5-billion mark in relief distributed, and partnered with more than 1 million volunteers across the world.
We're just getting started.  Join us and stay up to date about the latest at

October 2024

Global Missionary


Brad and Becky Schowengerdt are missionaries itinerating to go to the Solomon Islands.
A message from the Schowengerdt ministry:
 The Solomon Islands is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean between Fiji and Australia.  Our nation consists of over 900 small islands. Isaiah 42:4 says, “The far-flung islands wait expectantly for His teaching.”  We will be going to this nation with a goal of planting churches among the remote villages and tribal areas in the Solomon Islands, where there has never been a church of any kind.  We will utilize healthcare outreach events as Becky is a Physician Assistant and we are told there are children in these remote villages that may live their entire lives with a low-grade fever or have an open wound on their legs that never heals.  We hope to treat the physical needs in these villages in order to open the door to treat the deep spiritual need there as well.  We are currently itinerating, or fundraising, for our first term.  At this time, we have reached 12% of our monthly budget and have a goal to leave for the Solomon Islands by July 2025.

Home Missionary


Joshua and Erynn Beaty are reaching students at West Texas A&M University as Chi Alpha missionaries in Canyon, Texas. They are planting this Chi Alpha and just launched August of 2024!
A message from the Beaty ministry:
Chi Alpha exists to reconcile students to Christ. Our name, Chi Alpha, stands for the words Christs Ambassadors in 2 Corinthians 5:20.
“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭20‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Thank you for supporting us as we represent Christ to university students. We know that people will be in Heaven as a result of our ministry, which wouldn’t be possible without Dominion church supporting us.
We are officially registered as a new Student Organization with our campus. We are hosting small groups and worship services on campus every week, and we spend week days meeting new students and sharing the Gospel. We are already connected with unbelievers on campus who are beginning to seek Jesus with us.
Thank you Dominion Church for helping to make our ministry possible! We can’t wait to share the testimonies of what the Lord does this year.

Missions Project


Relief Network Ministries has a mission to help end the water crisis in West Africa and parts of South India. They help communities create sustainable water, sanitation, hygiene, and Christian witness programs in partnership with local churches.
A message from Relief Network Ministries:
The broad strategic mission of RNM is to work through specific faith based community-driven project efforts to meet the needs of impoverished communities particularly in developing countries, rural areas, and inner cities. This helps RNM target the socio-economic problems associated with the family & human sufferings, especially in 3rd world countries and our inner cities.
Our ultimate mission therefore is to touch lives for Christ & eternity. In addition, RNM aims to minister to urban drug addicts, alcohol abusers and battered women / teenage mothers who desire to be helped through RNM’s faith based approach.
The objectives of the organization focus on ways to alleviate the adverse consequences of poverty and illiteracy, such as poor hygienic standards and inadequate skills for gainful employment. Often the poor find themselves in places with unsanitary drinking water or portable domestic water, especially in Africa & the 3rd world.
In the process, we seek to mobilize community support for development initiatives such as drilling and maintaining water wells, providing skills acquisition such as tailoring & dress making for women; providing technology training sessions especially in computer technology, and deploying our diagnostic medical tool called TROPIX in rural Clinics and Health Care Centers.